Selected Publications

ArchIDA members have authored numerous publications in the center’s research domain. Please find below a selection of 10 relevant publications for each member.

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  • M. Fischer, S. Albrecht und M. Baitz. „Ganzheitliche Bilanzierung und Nachhaltigkeit im Leichtbau“. In: Handbuch Leichtbau. Hrsg. von F. Henning und E. Moeller. Carl Hanser Verlag, München Ernst und Sohn, 2020. Kap. 6
  • A. Ostertag, F. Schlegl, A. Gienger, J. Wagner, M. Dazer, B. Bertsche, S. Albrecht, P. Leistner, C. Tarín und O. Sawodny. „Reliable Design of Adaptive Load-bearing Structures with Focus on Sustainability“. In: Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference. (akzeptiert). 2020
  • F. Schlegl, J. Gantner, R. Traunspurger, S. Albrecht und P. Leistner. „LCA of buildings in Germany: Proposal for a future benchmark based on existing databases“. In: Energy and Buildings 194 (2019), S. 342–350. DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.04.038
  • F. Schlegl, C. Honold, S. Leistner, S. Albrecht, D. Roth, W. Haase, P. Leistner, H. Binz und W. Sobek. „Integration of LCA in the Planning Phases of Adaptive Buildings“. In: Sustainability 11.16 (2019), S. 1–24
  • R. Horn, S. Albrecht, W. Haase, M. Langer, D. Schmeer, W. Sobek, O. Speck und P. Leistner. „Bio-inspiration as a Concept for Sustainable Constructions Illustrated on Graded Concrete“. In: Journal of Bionic Engineering 16 (2019), S. 742–753. DOI: 10.1007/s42235-019-0060-1
  • N. Harder, F. Schlegl, D. Flemming, R. Di Bari, S. Albrecht, P. Leistner und S. Park. „Bauphysikalische und ökologische Bewertung adaptiver Fassadenkonstruktionen auf Raumebene“. In: Bauphysik 41.6 (2019), S. 302–313. DOI: 10.1002/bapi.201900023
  • N. Harder, F. Schlegl, S. Albrecht, S. Park und P. Leistner. „Bauphysikalische und ökologische Potenziale von adaptiven Leichtbaukonstruktionen“. In: Bauphysik 40.5 (2018), S. 307–318. DOI: 10.1002/bapi.201800017
  • F. Gehring, S. Albrecht, S. Homolka, P. Leistner, V. Thome und S. Seifert. „Aus Altbeton wird Beton – ein innovativer Recyclingansatz“. In: Bauphysik 37.5 (2015), S. 296–300. DOI: 10.1002/bapi.201510032
  • M. Baitz, S. Albrecht, E. Brauner, C. Broadbent, G. Castellan, P. Conrath, J. Fava, M. Finkbeiner, M. Fischer, P. Fullana-i-Palmer, S. Krinke, C. Leroy, O. Loebel, P. Mckeown, I. Mersiowsky, B. Möginger, M. Pfaadt, G. Rebitzer, E. Rother und L. Tikana. „LCA’s theory and practice: Like ebony and ivory living in perfect harmony?“In: The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18 (2013), S. 5–13. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-012-0476-x
  • W. Fawcett, M. Hughes, H. Krieg, S. Albrecht und A. Vennström. „Flexible strategies for long-term sustainability under uncertainty“. In: Building Research & Information 40.5 (2012), S. 545–557. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2012.702565
  • Rozo, L., Kupcsik, A.G., Schillinger, P., Guo, M., Krug, R., van Duijkeren, N., Spies, M., Kesper, P., Hoppe, S., Ziesche, H., Bürger, M., Arras, K. O. (2024). The e-Bike motor assembly: Towards advanced robotic manipulation for flexible manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 85. 1016/j.rcim.2023.102637
  • Yash, G., Vaskevicius, N., Palmieri, L., Chebrolu, N., Arras, K. O., Stachniss, C. (2023). Semantically Informed MPC for Context-Aware Robot Exploration. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, 2023, 11218-11225. 1109/IROS55552.2023.10341564
  • Schreiter, T., Morillo-Mendez, L., Chadalavada, R. T., Rudenko, A., Billing, E., Magnusson, M., Arras, K. O., Lilienthal, A. J. (2023). Advantages of Multimodal versus Verbal-Only Robot-to-Human Communication with an Anthropomorphic Robotic Mock Driver. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, Rebublic of Korea, 2023, 293-300. 1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309629
  • Rudenko, A., Palmieri, L., Doellinger, J., Lilienthal, A. J., Arras, K. O. (2021). Learning Occupancy Priors of Human Motion From Semantic Maps of Urban Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), 3248-3255. 1109/LRA.2021.3062010
  • Colosi, M., Aloise, I., Guadagnino, T., Schlegel, D., Della Corte, B., Arras, K. O. and Grisetti, G. (2020). Plug-and-play SLAM: A unified SLAM architecture for modularity and ease of use. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020, 5051-5057. 1109/IROS45743.2020.9341611
  • Rudenko, A., Kucner, T. P., Swaminathan, C. S., Chadalavada, R. T., Arras, K. O., Lilienthal, A. J. (2020). THÖR: Human-Robot Navigation Data Collection and Accurate Motion Trajectories Dataset. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2), 676-682.
  • Colosi, M., Haug, S., Biber, P., Arras, K. O., Grisetti, G. (2019). Better Lost in Transition Than Lost in Space: SLAM State Machine. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, 2019, 362-369. 1109/IROS40897.2019.8968182
  • Ragni, M., Rudenko, A., Kuhnert, B., Arras, K. O. (2016). Errare humanum est: Erroneous robots in human-robot interaction. IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New York, NY, USA, 2016, 501-506. 1109/ROMAN.2016.7745164
  • Triebel, R., Arras, K. O., Alami, R., Beyer, L., Breuers, S., Chatila, R., Chetouani, M., Cremers, D., Evers, V., Fiore, M., Hung, H., Ramirez, O. A. I., Joosse, M., Khambhaita, H., Kucner, T., Leibe, B., Lilienthal, A. J., Linder, T., Lohse, M., Magnusson, M., Okal, B., Palmieri, L., Rafi, U., Rooij, M., Zhang, L. (2015). SPENCER: A Socially Aware Service Robot for Passenger Guidance and Help in Busy Airports. Field and Service Robotics, 607-622. 1007/978-3-319-27702-8_40
  • C. Honold, S. Leistner, D. Roth, H. Binz und W. Sobek. „Method toolbox for the multidisciplinary planning and development of adaptive buildings“. In: 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2019, S. 169–178. DOI: 10.1017/dsi.2019.20
  • C. Honold, S. Fischer, D. Roth und H. Binz. „Methodenlandkarte zur Auswahl von Produktentwicklungsmethoden im interdisziplinären Kontext“. In: 5. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP), 16. Mai 2019, Stuttgart. 2019
  • C. Honold, S. Leistner, D. Roth, H. Binz und W. Sobek. „Anforderungen in der Entwurfsphase des integralen Planungsprozesses adaptiver Gebäude“. In: 5. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP), 16. Mai 2019, Stuttgart. 2019
  • A. Crostack und H. Binz. „Formalisierte Wissensrepräsentation zur Unterstützung des methodischen Konstruierens von und mit hybriden intelligenten Konstruktionselementen (HIKE) und Systemen“. In: Hybride Intelligente Konstruktionselemente (HIKE) – Abschlusskolloquium der DFG-Forschergruppe 981. Hrsg. von H. Binz. Universität Stuttgart: Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design, 2016, S. 9–12, 52–65
  • H. Binz, C. Honold, F. Laufer, P. Hommel, D. Roth, T. Bauernhansl und M. Schuster. „Konstruktion und Herstellung eines Auslegers aus Aluminiumschaum-Sandwich unter Anwendung der Fräskanttechnik“. In: Konstruktion 07–08 (2018), S. 78–82 F. Laufer, D. Roth und H. Binz. „Supporting engineers in lightweight design: The energy distribution analysis (EDA)“. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 – 15th International Design Conference. Hrsg. von D. Marjanovic, M. Storga, S. Skec, N. Bojcetic und N. Pavkovic. 2018, S. 829–840. DOI: 10.21278/idc.2018.0122
  • H. Binz, M. Bachmann und A. Naubert. „Elektromagnetisch betätigte Linearkupplung für den Einsatz in der primären Flugsteuerung von Hubschraubern“. In: Konstruktion 6 (2018), S. 92–97
  • A. Laukemann, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Concept for a simulation model to analyze knowledge conversions within the product development process“. In: 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2017, S. 21–30.
  • T. Münzing, H. Binz, S. Seemann, M. Christmann und S. Toro. „New Rating Life Calculation for Rolling Elements on Aircraft“. In: ACTUATOR 2016 – 15th International Conference on New Actuators & 9th Exhibition on Smart Actuators and Drive Systems. 2016, S. 270–273
  • B. Posner, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Extension of the Lightweight Design Thinking Tools for the application on more complex problems“. In: 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2015, S. 319–328
  • Reksowardojo, A. P., Senatore, G., Bischoff, M., Blandini, L. (2024). Design and control of high-speed railway bridges equipped with an under-deck adaptive tensioning system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 579. 1016/j.jsv.2024.118362
  • Gade, J., Geiger, F., Kemmler, R., Bischoff, M. (2024). A form-finding method for adaptive truss structures subject to multiple static load cases. International Journal of Space Structures, 39(2). 1177/09560599231212707
  • Reksowardojo, A. P., Senatore, G., Bischoff, M., Blandini, L. (2024). Design and control benchmark of rib-stiffened concrete slabs equipped with an adaptive tensioning system. Journal of Structural Engineering 150(1). 1061/JSENDH.STENG-12320
  • Gil Pérez, M., Mindermann, P., Zechmeister, C., Forster, D., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Kannenberg, F., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Menges, A., Gresser, G. T., Knippers, J. (2023). Data processing, analysis, and evaluation methods for co-design of coreless filament-wound building systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 10(4), 1460-1478. 1093/jcde/qwad064
  • Durak, G. M., Thierer, R., Sachse, R., Bischoff, M., Speck, T., Poppinga, S. (2022). Smooth or with a Snap! Biomechanics of Trap Reopening in the Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula). Advanced Science 9(22). 1002/advs.202270140
  • Gil Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., Knippers, J. (2022). Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre–polymer composite structures, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9(2), 310-329. 1093/jcde/qwab081
  • Gade, J., Tkachuk, A., von Scheven, M., Bischoff, M. (2021). A continuum-mechanical theory of redundancy in elastostatic structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 226. 1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.01.022
  • von Scheven, M., Ramm, E., Bischoff, M. (2021). Quantification of the redundancy distribution in truss and beam structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 213, 41-49. 1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.11.002
  • Sachse, R., Bischoff, M. (2021). A variational formulation for motion design of adaptive compliant structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122(4), 972-1000. 1002/nme.6570
  • Sachse, R., Westermeier, A., Mylo, M., Nadasdi, J., Bischoff, M., Speck, T., Poppinga, S. (2020). Snapping mechanics of the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(27), 16035-16042. 1073/pnas.2002707117
  • Reksowardojo, A. P., Senatore, G., Bischoff, M., Blandini, L. (2024). Design and control benchmark of rib-stiffened concrete slabs equipped with an adaptive tensioning system. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(1). 1061/JSENDH.STENG-12320
  • Smirnova, M., Nething, C., Stolz, A., Gröning, J., Funaro, D., Eppinger, E., Reichert, M., Frick, J., Blandini, L. (2023). High strength bio-concrete for the production of building components. npj Materials Sustainability, 1(4), 1-15. 1038/s44296-023-00004-6
  • Voigt, M. P., Chwalek, K., Roth, D., Kreimeyer, M., Blandini, L. (2023). The integrated design process of adaptive façades – A comprehensive perspective. Journal of Building Engineering, 67. 1016/j.jobe.2023.106043
  • Frost, D., Gericke, O., Di Bari, R., Balangé, L., Zhang, L., Blagojevic, B., Nigl, D., Haag, P., Blandini, L., et al. (2022). Holistic quality model and assessment – supporting decision-making towards sustainable construction using the design and production of graded concrete components as an example. Sustainability, 14(18). 3390/su141811269
  • Blandini, L., Haase, W., Weidner, S., Böhm, M., Burghardt, T., et. al. (2022). D1244: Design and construction of the first adaptive high-rise experimental building. Frontiers in Built Environment, 8. 3389/fbuil.2022.814911
  • Steffen, S., Blandini, L., Sobek, W. (2022). Analysis of the inherent adaptability of basic truss and frame modules by means of an extended method of influence matrices. Engineering Structures, 266. 1016/j.engstruct.2022.114588
  • Miller, O., Gericke, O., Nigl, D., Kovaleva, D., Blandini, L. (2022). Simulation-based investigations of the load-bearing behavior of concrete hollow sphere slabs exposed to fire. Fire, 5(6). 3390/fire5060197
  • Steffen, S., Zeller, A., Böhm, M., Sawodny, O., Blandini, L., Sobek, W. (2022). Actuation concepts for adaptive high-rise structures subjected to static wind loading. Engineering Structures, 267. 1016/j.engstruct.2022.114670
  • Kelleter, C., Burghardt, T., Binz, H., Blandini, L., Sobek, W. (2020). Adaptive concrete beams equipped with integrated fluidic actuators. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6. 3389/fbuil.2020.00091
  • Blandini, L. (2007). Structural use of adhesives for the construction of frameless glass shells. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 27(6), 499-504. 1016/j.ijadhadh.2006.09.001
  • M. Böhm, M. Krstic, S. Küchler und O. Sawodny. „Modelling and Boundary Control of a Hanging Rope Immersed in Water“. In: ASME Journal on Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control (JDSMC) 136.1 (2014), S. 1–15. DOI: 10.1115/1.4024604
  • M. Böhm, J.-U. Pott, M. Kürster, O. Sawodny, D. Defrère und P. Hinz. „Delay Compensation for Real Time Disturbance Estimation at Extremely Large Telescopes“. In: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2016). DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2016.2601627
  • M. Böhm, M. Glück, A. Keck, J.-U. Pott und O. Sawodny. „Improving the performance of interferometric imaging through the use of disturbance feedforward“. In: J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 34.5 (2017), A10–A21. DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.34.000A10
  • J. Wagner, J. Gade, F. Geiger, M. Heidingsfeld, M. Böhm, M. von Scheven, M. Bischoff und O. Sawodny. „On steady-state disturbance compensability for actuator placement in adaptive structures“. In: at - Automatisierungstechnik (2018). DOI: 10.1515/auto-2017-0099
  • J. L. Wagner, K. Schmidt, M. Böhm und O. Sawodny. „Optimal Actuator Placement and Static Load Compensation for Euler-Bernoulli Beams with Spatially Distributed Inputs“. In: IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems. 2019
  • M. Böhm, J. Wagner, S. Steffen, W. Sobek und O. Sawodny. „Homogenizability of Element Utilization in Adaptive Structures“. In: IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). 2019
  • A. Gienger, J.Wagner, M. Böhm, O. Sawodny und C. Tarín. „Robust Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures with unknown Stochastic Disturbances“. In: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2020). DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2020.2993068
  • A. Warsewa, M. Böhm, F. Guerra, J. L. Wagner, T. Haist, C. Tarín und O. Sawodny. „Self-tuning state estimation for adaptive truss structures using strain gauges and camera-based position measurements“. In: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2020.106822
  • M. Böhm, S. Steffen, J. Gade, F. Geiger, W. Sobek, M. Bischoff und O. Sawodny. „Input modeling for active structural elements – extending the established FE-Workflow for modeling of adaptive structures“. In: IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2020
  • J. L. Wagner, A. Gienger, C. Stein, P. Arnold, C. Tarín, O. Sawodny und M. Böhm. „Fault Tolerant Optimal Static Load Compensation in Nonlinear Adaptive Structures under Input and State Constraints“. In: Frontiers in Built Environment (2020).
  • Y. Gretzinger, M. Dazer und B. Bertsche. „Using life data of competing failure modes to increase the remaining useful life of gear wheels“. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). 2020
  • A. Grundler, M. Dazer, T. Herzig und B. Bertsche. „Reliability test planning considering multiple failure mechanisms and system“. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). 2020
  • K. Lucan, M. Dazer, K. Hintz und B. Bertsche. „Effect of Competing Failure Modes on the System Reliability Estimation“. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RAMS.2019.8768946
  • T. Herzig, M. Dazer, A. Grundler und B. Bertsche. „Cost- and Time- Effective Planning of Accelerated Reliability Demonstration Tests - A New Approach of Comparing the Expenditure of Success Run and End-of-Life Tests“. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RAMS.2019.8769262
  • M. Dazer, D. Bräutigam, T. Leopold und B. Bertsche. „Optimal Planning of Reliability Life Tests Considering Prior Knowledge“. In: Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RAM.2018.8463098
  • M. Dazer, M. Henß und B. Bertsche. „Zuverlässigkeit und Betriebsfestigkeit“. In: Handbuch Konstruktion. 2nd. Hanser Verlag, 2018
  • K. Müller, M. Dazer, P. Cheng Wen und B. Bertsche. „Fatigue Reliability Assessment For Floating Wind Turbines“. In: Proc. of the 2018 Wind Europe Conference. 2018
  • K. Müller, M. Dazer und P. W. Cheng. „Damage Assessment of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Using Response Surface Modeling“. In: Energy Procedia 137 (2017), S. 119–133. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.10.339
  • M. Dazer, P. Höller, T. Leopold und B. Bertsche. „Stochastic fatigue calculations using an accelerated 3-step multilinear kinematic hardening model of spheroidal graphite iron“. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design. 2017, S. 217–228
  • M. Dazer, M. Stohrer, S. Kemmler und B. Bertsche. „Planning of reliability life tests within the accuracy, time and cost triangle“. In: 2016 IEEE Accelerated Stress Testing Reliability Conference (ASTR). 2016, S. 1–9. DOI: 10.1109/ASTR.2016.7762270
  • M. Fischer und P. Eberhard. „Application of parametric model reduction with matrix interpolation for simulation of moving loads in elastic multibody systems“. In: Advances in Computational Mathematics 41.5 (2015), S. 1049–1072. DOI: 10.1007/s10444- 014-9379-7
  • P. Bestle, P. Eberhard und M. Hanss. „Musical instruments – Sound synthesis of virtual idiophones“. In: Journal of Sound and Vibration 395 (2017), S. 187–200. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.02.010
  • F. Schnelle und P. Eberhard. „Adaptive nonlinear model predictive control design of a flexible-link manipulator with uncertain parameters“. In: Acta Mechanica Sinica 33 (2017), S. 1–14. DOI: 10.1007/s10409-017-0669-4
  • J. Störkle und P. Eberhard. „Influence of model order reduction methods on dynamical-optical simulations“. In: Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 3.2 (2017), S. 1–18. DOI: 10.1117/1.JATIS.3.2.024001
  • D. Schurr, P. Holzwarth und P. Eberhard. „Investigation of dynamic stress recovery in elastic gear simulations using different reduction techniques“. In: Computational Mechanics 62 (2017), S. 1–18. DOI: 10.1007/s00466-017-1507-z
  • B. Fröhlich, J. L. Wagner, M. Böhm, O. Sawodny und P. Eberhard. „Combining Optimal Control and Shape Optimization for an Adaptive Engineering Structure with Parametrized Reduced Order Finite Element Models“. In: ECCOMAS Conf. on smart structures and materials. 2019
  • I. Iroz, S. Carvajal, M. Hanss und P. Eberhard. „Transient simulation and uncertainty analysis of brake systems using a fuzzyparameterized multibody system approach“. In: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 24.1 (2019), S. 40–51. DOI: 10.1177/1081286517729866
  • C. Gnanasambandham, A. Schönle und P. Eberhard. „Investigating the dissipative effects of liquid-filled particle dampers using coupled DEM-SPH methods“. In: Computational Particle Mechanics 6.2 (2019), S. 257–269. DOI: 10.1007/s40571-018-0212-9
  • H. Ebel und P. Eberhard. „Optimization-Driven Control and Organization of a Robot Swarm for Cooperative Transportation“. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine 52.15 (2019), S. 115–120. DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.660
  • G. Schneider, X. Liang, F. Dignath und P. Eberhard. „Simulation of the Maglev Train Transrapid Traveling on a Flexible Guideway Using the Multibody Systems Approach“. In: ECCOMAS Thematic Conf. on Multibody Dynamics. Springer, 2019, S. 503–510
  • Kleinschroth, F., Savilaakso, S., Kowarik, I., Martinez, P. J., Chang, Y., Jakstis, K., Schneider, J., Fischer, L. K. (2024). Global disparities in urban green space use during the COVID-19 pandemic from a systematic review. Nature Cities, 1, 136-149. 1038/s44284-023-00020-6
  • Guenat, S., Bailey-Athias, J. P., Fischer, L. K. (2023). Urban foraging in Brazilian public greenspaces. Ambio, 52, 1248-1261. 1007/s13280-023-01847-y
  • Marzouk, M. A., Salheen, M. A., Fischer, L. K. (2022). Functionalizing building envelopes for greening and solar energy: Between theory and the practice in Egypt. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10. 3389/fenvs.2022.1056382
  • Jakstis, K., Dubovik, M., Laikari, A., Mustajärvi, K., Wendling, L., Fischer, L. K. (2022). Informing the design of urban green and blue spaces through an understanding of Europeans' usage and preferences. People and Nature, 5(1), 162-182. 1002/pan3.10419
  • Fischer, L. K., Gopal, D. (2021). Streetscapes as surrogate greenspaces during COVID-19? Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3. 3389/frsc.2021.710920
  • Fischer, L. K.*, Neuenkamp, L.*, Lampinen, J., Tuomi, M., Alday, J. G., Bucharova, A., Cancellieri, C., Casado-Arzuaga, I., Čeplová, N., Cerveró, L., Deák, B., Eriksson, E., Fellowes, M. D. E., Fernández de Manuel, B., Filibeck, G., González-Guzmán, A., Hinojosa, M. B., Kowarik, I., Lumbierres, B., Miguel, A., Pardo, R., Pons, X., Rodríguez-García, E., Schröder, R., Gaia Sperandii, M,. Unterweger, P., Valkó, O., Vázquez, V., Klaus, V. H. (2020). Public attitudes towards biodiversity-friendly greenspace management in Europe. Conservation Letters, 13(4). 1111/conl.12718 *equal contributions
  • Fischer, L. K., Honold, J., Cvejić, R., Delshammar, T., Hilbert, S., Lafortezza, R., Nastran, M., Nielsen, A. B., Pintar, M., van der Jagt, A. P. N., Kowarik, I. (2018). Beyond green: Broad support for biodiversity in multicultural European cities. Global Environmental Change, 49, 35-45. 1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.02.001
  • Fischer, L. K., Rodorff, V., von der Lippe, M., Kowarik, I. (2016). Drivers of biodiversity patterns in parks of a growing South American megacity. Urban Ecosystems, 19(3), 1231-1249. 1007/s11252-016-0537-1
  • Fischer, L. K., von der Lippe, M., Kowarik, I. (2013). Urban land use types contribute to grassland conservation. The example of Berlin. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 12(3), 263-272. 1016/j.ufug.2013.03.009
  • Fischer, L. K., von der Lippe, M., Kowarik, I. (2009). Tree invasion in managed tropical forests facilitates endemic species. Journal of Biogeography, 36(12), 2251-2263. 1111/j.1365-2699.2009.02173.x
  • Maier, L., Kufferath-Sieberin, L., Pauly, L., Hopp-Hirschler, M., Gresser, G. T., Nieken, U. (2023). Constitutive Correlations for Mass Transport in Fibrous Media Based on Asymptotic Homogenization. Materials, 16(5). 3390/ma16052014
  • Mindermann, P., Gil Pérez, M., Knippers, J., Gresser, G. T. (2022). Investigation of the Fabrication Suitability, Structural Performance, and Sustainability of Natural Fibers in Coreless Filament Winding. Materials, 15(9). 3390/ma15093260
  • Möhl, C., Weimer, T., Caliskan, M., Hager, T., Baz, S., Bauder, H.-J., Stegmaier, T., Wunderlich, W., Gresser, G. T. (2022). Flax Fibre Yarn Coated with Lignin from Renewable Sources for Composites. Polymers, 14(19). 3390/polym14194060
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  • T. Herrmann, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Investigation of the Perception of a Radical Degree of Novelty from the Perspective of Product Users“. In: 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2019, S. 2297–2306
  • C. Honold, S. Fischer, D. Roth und H. Binz. „Methodenlandkarte zur Auswahl von Produktentwicklungsmethoden im interdisziplinären Kontext“. In: 5. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP), 16. Mai 2019, Stuttgart. 2019
  • C. Honold, S. Leistner, D. Roth, H. Binz und W. Sobek. „Anforderungen in der Entwurfsphase des integralen Planungsprozesses adaptiver Gebäude“. In: 5. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP), 16. Mai 2019, Stuttgart. 2019
  • U. Schleinkofer, F. Laufer, M. Zimmermann, D. Roth und T. Bauernhansl. „Resource-efficient manufacturing systems through lightweight construction by using a combined development approach“. In: Procedia CIRP 72 (2018), S. 856–861. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.03.123
  • • F. Weiss, E. Garrelts, D. Roth, H. Binz, M. Brunetti und T. Karcher. „Konstruktionsrestriktionen für das Indirect Tooling mit FDM Und Feinguss“. In: Proceedings Of The 15th Rapid.Tech Conference. Hrsg. von M. Kynast, M. Eichmann und G. Witt. 2018
  • F. Laufer, D. Roth und H. Binz. „Supporting engineers in lightweight design: The energy distribution analysis (EDA)“. In: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 – 15th International Design Conference. Hrsg. von D. Marjanovic, M. Storga, S. Skec, N. Bojcetic und N. Pavkovic. 2018, S. 829–840. DOI: 10.21278/idc.2018.0122
  • A. Laukemann, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Concept for a simulation model to analyze knowledge conversions within the product development process“. In: 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2017, S. 21–30. 
  • A. Crostack, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Capture of actual development processes of Hybrid Intelligent Design Elements in order to define a target development process“. In: 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2015, S. 1–10
  • B. Posner, H. Binz und D. Roth. „Extension of the Lightweight Design Thinking Tools for the application on more complex problems“. In: 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). 2015, S. 319–328
  • Lauer, A. P. R., Benner, E., Stark, T., Klassen, S., Abolhasani, S., Schroth, L., Gienger, A., Wagner, H. J., Schwieger, V., Menges, A., Sawodny, O. (2023). Automated on-site assembly of timber buildings on the example of a biomimetic shell. Automation in Construction, 156. 1016/j.autcon.2023.105118
  • Blagojevic, B., Gienger, A., Nigl, D., Blandini, L., Sawodny, O. (2023). Modeling, Feedforward Control, and Constrained Trajectory Generation for a Concrete Conveyance System. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 145(10). 1115/1.4063073
  • Burkhardt, M., Gienger, A., Joachim, L., Haala, N., Sörgel, U., Sawodny, O. (2023). Data-based error compensation for georeferenced payload path tracking of automated tower cranes. Mechatronics, 94. 1016/j.mechatronics.2023.103028
  • Schaut, S., Arnold, E., Sawodny, O. (2023). Predictive Thermal Management for an Electric Vehicle Powertrain. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 8(2), 1957-1970. 1109/TIV.2021.3131944
  • Lauer, A. P. R., Lerke, O., Blagojevic, B., Schwieger, V., Sawodny, O. (2023). Tool center point control of a large-scale manipulator using absolute position feedback. Control Engineering Practice, 131. 1016/j.conengprac.2022.105388
  • Sachs, J., Sawodny, O. (2016). Multi-objective three stage design optimization for island microgrids. Applied Energy, 165, 789-800. 1016/j.apenergy.2015.12.059
  • Sachs, J., Sawodny, O. (2016). A Two-Stage Model Predictive Control Strategy for Economic Diesel-PV-Battery Island Microgrid Operation in Rural Areas. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 7(3), 908-913. 1109/TSTE.2015.2509031
  • Guenther, J., Sawodny, O. (2019). Feature selection and Gaussian Process regression for personalized thermal comfort prediction. Building and Environment, 148, 448-458. 1016/j.buildenv.2018.11.019
  • Bender, F. A., Goltz, S., Braunl, T., Sawodny, O. (2017). Modeling and Offset-Free Model Predictive Control of a Hydraulic Mini Excavator. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2), 1682-1694. 1109/TASE.2017.2700407
  • Rauscher, F., Sawodny, O. (2021). Modeling and Control of Tower Cranes with Elastic Structure. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(1), 64-79. 1109/TCST.2019.2961639
  • M. Schäfer. „Modeling and Simulation of Closed Low-Pressure Adsorbers for Thermal Energy Storage“. Diss. Universität Stuttgart, 2019. DOI: 10.18419/opus-10487
  • M. Schäfer und A. Thess. „Modeling and simulation of closed lowpressure zeolite adsorbers for thermal energy storage“. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 139 (2019), S. 685–699. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.05.029
  • M. Schäfer, J. Vogel und D. Pfeiler. Saunaanlage und Verwendung eines Speichersystems, umfassend einen Druckbehälter für eine Saunaanlage. Deutsche Patentanmeldung DE102018003136A1. Universität Stuttgart, 2018
  • M. Schäfer und D. Pfeiler. Windenergieanlage mit thermomechanischem Energiespeicher- und Energiewandlersystem zum klimaneutralen, umweltfreundlichen und energieautarken Betrieb
    einer Saunaanlage. Erfindungsmeldung. Universität Stuttgart, 2018
  • M. Schäfer und A. Thess. „Simulation of a closed low-pressure honeycomb adsorber for thermal energy storage“. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018), S. 796–807. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.05.052
  • M. Schäfer und A. Thess. „One-dimensional model of a closed lowpressure adsorber for thermal energy storage“. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018), S. 571–583. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.09.095
  • M. Schäfer, T. Schmitz, C. Will und C. Behn. „Transversal Vibrations of Beams with Boundary Damping in the Context of Animal Vibrissae“. In: 56th International Scientific Colloquium. 2011. URL:
  • Stranner, M., Fleck, P., Schmalstieg, D., Arth C. (2024). Instant Segmentation and Fitting of Excavations in Subsurface Utility Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(5), 2319-2329. 1109/TVCG.2024.3372064. Best paper award honorable mention at IEEE VR.
  • Mori, S., Schmalstieg, D., Kalkofen, D. (2023). Exemplar-Based Inpainting for 6DOF Virtual Reality Photos. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(11), 4644-4654. 1109/TVCG.2023.3320220. Best paper honorable mention at IEEE ISMAR.
  • Ebner, C., Mori, S., Mohr, P., Peng, Y., Schmalstieg, D., Wetzstein, G., Kalkofen, D. (2022). Video See-Through Mixed Reality with Focus Cues. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(5), 2256-2266. 1109/TVCG.2022.3150504. Best Journal Paper at IEEE VR.
  • Arth, C., Pirchheim, C., Ventura, J., Schmalstieg, D., Lepetit, V. (2015). Instant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D Maps. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21(11), 1309-1318. 1109/TVCG.2015.2459772. Best paper award at ISMAR 2015.
  • Steinberger, M., Waldner, M., Streit, M., Lex, A., Schmalstieg, D. (2011). Context-Preserving Visual Links. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17(12), 2249-2258. 1109/TVCG.2011.183. Best paper award at IEEE InfoVis.
  • Wagner, D., Reitmayr, G., Mulloni, A., Drummond, T., Schmalstieg, D. (2008). Pose tracking from natural features on mobile phones. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Cambridge, UK, 125-134. 1109/ISMAR.2008.4637338. Best paper award 2008, Lasting Impact Award 2018, >700 citations.
  • Schmalstieg, D., Wagner, D. (2007). Experiences with Handheld Augmented Reality. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Nara, Japan, 3-18. 1109/ISMAR.2007.4538819. ISMAR Impact Paper Award.
  • Wagner, D., Schmalstieg, D. (2003). First steps towards handheld augmented reality. IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, White Plains, NY, USA, 127-135. 1109/ISWC.2003.1241402. >600 citations.
  • Kaufmann, H., Schmalstieg, D. (2002). Mathematics and geometry education with collaborative augmented reality. SIGGRAPH Conference Abstracts, 37-41. 1145/1242073.1242086. >1000 citations.
  • Schmalstieg, D., Fuhrmann, A., Hesina, G., Szalavári, Z., Encarnaçao, L. M., Gervautz, M., Purgathofer, W. (2002). The Studierstube Augmented Reality Project. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 11(1), 33-54. 1162/105474602317343640. >700 citations.
  • Heimann, T., Argueyrolles, R., Reinhardt, M., Schünemann, F., Söder, M., Delzeit, R. (2024). Phasing out palm and soy oil biodiesel in the EU: What is the benefit? GCB Bioenergy, 16(1). 1111/gcbb.13115
  • Schünemann, F., Hess, S. (2023). Livestock Support and Water depletion in Turkey. Water Resources Research, 59(1). 1029/2020WR028860
  • Schneider, J. M., Zabel, F., Schünemann, F., Delzeit, R., Mauser, W. (2022). Global cropland could be almost halved: Assessment of land saving potentials under different strategies and implications for agricultural markets. PLoS ONE, 17(2). 1371/journal.pone.0263063
  • Schünemann, F., Delzeit, R. (2022). Potentials, subsidies and tradeoffs of cellulosic ethanol in the European Union. Ecological Economics, 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107384
  • Delzeit, R., Heimann, T., Schünemann, F., Söder, M., Zabel, F., Hosseini, M. (2021). Scenarios for an impact assessment of global bioeconomy strategies: Results from a co-design process. Research in Globalization, 10.1016/j.resglo.2021.100060
  • Ho, M., Britz, W., Delzeit, R., Leblanc, F., Roson, R., Schünemann, F., Weitzel, M. (2020). Modelling Consumption and Constructing Long-Term Baselines in Final Demand. Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5(1), 63-108. 21642/JGEA.050103AF
  • Schünemann, F., Kerr, W. A. (2019). European Union Non-Tariff Barriers to Imports of African Biofuels. Agrekon, 58(4), 407-425. 1080/03031853.2019.1577144
  • Delzeit, R., Pongratz, J., Schneider, J. M., Schünemann, F., Mauser, W., Zabel, F. (2019). Forest restoration: Expanding agriculture. Science, 366(6463), 316-317.
  • Schünemann, F., Msangi, S., Zeller, M. (2018). Policies for a Sustainable Biomass Energy Sector in Malawi: Enhancing Energy and Food Security Simultaneously. World Development, 103, 14-26. 1016/j.worlddev.2017.10.011
  • Schünemann, F., Thurlow, J., Zeller, M. (2017). Leveling the field for biofuels: Comparing the economic and environmental impacts of biofuel and other export crops in Malawi. Agricultural Economics. 48(3), 301-315. 10.1111/agec.12335
  • Gil-Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., Knippers, J. (2022). Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre–polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9(2), 310-329. 1093/jcde/qwab081
  • Kerekes, G., Schwieger, V. (2020). Elementary Error Model Applied to Terrestrial Laser Scanning Measurements: Study Case Arch Dam Kops. Mathematics, 8(4), 593. 3390/math8040593
  • Zhang, L., Balangé, L., Braun K., Di Bari, R., Horn, R., Hos, D., Kropp, C., Leistner, P., Schwieger, V. (2020). Quality as Driver for Sustainable Construction – Holistic Quality Model and Assessment. Sustainability, 12(19), 7847. 3390/su12197847
  • Kauker, S., Schwieger, V. (2017). A synthetic covariance matrix for monitoring by terrestrial laser scanning. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 11(2), 77-88.
  • Rinke, N., v. Gösselen, I., Kochkine, V., Schweitzer, J., Berkhahn, V., Berner, F., Kutterer, H., Neumann, I., Schwieger, V. (2017). Simulating quality assurance and efficiency analysis between construction management and engineering geodesy. Automation in Construction, 76, 24-35. 1016/j.autcon.2017.01.009
  • Kuhlmann, H., Schwieger, V., Wieser, A., Niemeier, W. (2014). Engineering Geodesy - Definition and Core Competencies. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 8(4), 327-334.
  • Krieg, O. D., Schwinn, T., Menges, A., Li, J.-M., Knippers, J., Schmitt, A., Schwieger, V. (2015). Biomimetic Lightweight Timber Plate Shells: Computational Integration of Robotic Fabrication, Architectural Geometry and Structural Design. In: Block, P., Knippers, J., Mitra, N., Wang, W. (eds), Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014, 109-125. Springer, Cham. 1007/978-3-319-11418-7_8
  • Schweitzer, J., Schwieger, V. (2011). Modeling of Quality for Engineering Geodesy Processes in Civil Engineering. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 5(1), 13-22.
  • Schwieger, V. (2007). Sensitivity Analysis as a General Tool for Model Optimisation – Examples for Trajectory Estimation. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 1 (1), 27-34.
  • Wickert, J., Beyerle, G., Hajj, G. A., Schwieger, V., Reigber, C. (2002). GPS radio occultation with CHAMP: Atmospheric profiling utilizing the space-based single difference technique. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(8). 1029/2001GL013982
  • M. Mahall und A. Serbest. How Architecture Learned to Speculate. Hrsg. von G. de Bruyn. igmade.edition, 2009
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  • M. Mahall und A. Serbest. „The House Alice Built“. In: Critical Spatial Practices (2019)
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  • W. Sobek, W. Sundermann, N. Rehle und H. Reinke. „Tragwerke für transparente Hochhäuser“. In: Bauingenieur 76 (2001), S. 321–335
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  • W. Sobek. „The future of sustainable architecture: Ressources, recyclability and ultra-lightweight“. In: a+u 524 (2014), S. 6–13
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  • W. Sobek. „Modulares Bauen für preisgünstigen Wohnungsbau“. In: BDB Jahrbuch 2017. Bauverlag BV GmbH, 2017. Kap. 7, S. 78–85
  • W. Sobek. „Adaptive Gebäude – (R)Evolution durch Anpassung“. In: Ingenieurbaukunst 2018. Made in Germany. Hrsg. von Bundesingenieurkammer. Ernst & Sohn, 2017, S. 144–151
  • W. Sobek und B. Köhler. „Bauen mit Rezyklaten – die Experimentaleinheit UmAR im Schweizer NEST-Campus“. In: Ingenieurbaukunst 2018. Made in Germany. Hrsg. von Bundesingenieurkammer. Ernst & Sohn, 2018, S. 56–63
  • W. Sobek. „Buildings as Renewable Power Plants: Active Houses for the Electric City“. In: Urban Energy Transition (Second Edition). Hrsg. von P. Droege. Second Edition. Elsevier, 2018, S. 131–138. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102074-6.00020-6
  • Zeller, A., Dakova, S., Stein, C., Böhm, M., Senatore, G., Reksowardojo, A. P., Blandini, L., Sawodny, O., Tarín, C. (2023). Bridge State and Average Train Axle Mass Estimation for Adaptive Railway Bridges. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 28(4), 1880-1889. 1109/TMECH.2023.3277317
  • Somers, P., Holdenried-Krafft, S., Zahn, J., Schüle, J., Veil, C., Harland, N., Walz, S., Stenzl, A., Sawodny, O., Tarín, C., Lensch, H. P. A. (2023). Cystoscopic depth estimation using gated adversarial domain adaptation.Biomedical Engineering Letters, 13, 141-151. 1007/s13534-023-00261-3
  • Veil, C., Müller, D., Walz, S., Schüle, J., Somers, P., Tarín, C., Stenzl, A., Sawodny, O. (2023). Enhancing Tissue Impedance Measurements Through Modeling of Fluid Flow During Viscoelastic Relaxation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(2), 650-658. 1109/TBME.2022.3199468
  • Dakova, S., Wagner, J. L., Gienger, A., Tarín, C., Böhm, M., Sawodny, O. (2021). Reconfiguration Strategy for Fault-Tolerant Control of High-Rise Adaptive Structures. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4), 6813-6819. 1109/LRA.2021.3093861
  • Gienger, A., Wagner, J. L., Böhm, M., Sawodny, O., Tarín, C. (2021). Robust Fault Diagnosis for Adaptive Structures With Unknown Stochastic Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(3), 1131-1146. 1109/TCST.2020.2993068
  • Corcione, E., Pfezer, D., Hentschel, M., Giessen, H., Tarín, C. (2021). Machine learning methods of regression for plasmonic nanoantenna glucose sensing. Sensors, 22(1), 7.
  • Warsewa, A., Böhm, M., Sawodny, O., Tarín C. (2021). A port-Hamiltonian approach to modelling the structural dynamics of complex systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89(2), 1528-1546. 1016/j.apm.2020.07.038
  • Warsewa, A., Wagner, J. L., Böhm, M., Sawodny, O., Tarín C. (2020). Networked Decentralized Control of Adaptive Structures. Journal of Communications, 15(6), 496-502.
  • Esslinger, D., Rapp, P., Wiertz, S., Rendich, H., Marsden, R., Sawodny, O., Tarín, C. (2019). Accurate Optoacoustic and Inertial 3-D Pose Tracking of Moving Objects With Particle Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(3), 893-906. 1109/TIM.2019.2905749
  • Teutsch, T., Strohfeldt, N., Sterl, F., Warsewa, A., Herkert, E., Paone, D., Giessen, H., Tarín, C. (2017). Mathematical Modeling of a Plasmonic Palladium-Based Hydrogen Sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(5), 1946-1959. 1109/JSEN.2017.2786939
  • A. Wegfrass, C. Diethold, M. Werner, T. Fröhlich, B. Halbedel, F. Hilbrunner, C. Resagk und A. Thess. „A universal noncontact flowmeter for liquids“. In: Applied Physics Letters 100.19 (2012), S. 194103. DOI: 10.1063/1.4714899
  • A. Thess. „Thermodynamic Efficiency of Pumped Heat Electricity Storage“. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (11 2013), S. 110602. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.110602
  • G. Pulugundla, C. Heinicke, C. Karcher und A. Thess. „Lorentz force velocimetry with a small permanent magnet“. In: European Journal of Mechanics – BFluids 41 (2013), S. 23–28. DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2013.03.008
  • R. du Puits, L. Li, C. Resagk, A. Thess und C. Willert. „Turbulent Boundary Layer in High Rayleigh Number Convection in Air“. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (12 März 2014), S. 124301. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.124301
  • F. Paramour, Y. Kolesnikov und A. Thess. „Lorentz force sigmometry: A novel technique for measuring the electrical conductivity of solid and liquid metals“. In: Measurement Science and Technology 26 (2015). DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/26/11/115605
  • M. Schreiber, S. Emran, T. Fröhlich, J. Schumacher und A. Thess. „Quantification of free convection effects on 1 kg mass standards“. In: Metrologia 52 (2015), S. 835–841. DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/52/6/835
  • X. Wang, A. Thess, R. Moreau, Y. Tan, S. Dai, Z. Tao, W. Yang und B. Wang. „Lorentz force particle analyzer“. In: Journal of Applied Physics 120.1 (2016), S. 014903. DOI: 10.1063/1.4956842
  • M. Schäfer und A. Thess. „One-dimensional model of a closed lowpressure adsorber for thermal energy storage“. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 117 (2018), S. 571–583. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.09.095
  • K.-K. Cao, A. N. Nitto, E. Sperber und A. Thess. „Expanding the horizons of power-to-heat: Cost assessment for new space heating concepts with Wind Powered Thermal Energy Systems“. In: Energy 164 (2018), S. 925–936. DOI: 10.1016/
  • M. Schäfer und A. Thess. „Simulation of a closed low-pressure honeycomb adsorber for thermal energy storage“. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018), S. 796–807. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.05.052
  • Mesmer, P., Neubauer, M., Lechler, A., Verl, A. (2022). Robust design of independent joint control of industrial robots with secondary encoders. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 73. 1016/j.rcim.2021.102232
  • Neubauer, M., Brenner, F., Hinze, C., Verl, A. (2021). Cascaded sliding mode position control (SMC-PI) for an improved dynamic behavior of elastic feed drives. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 169, 1016/j.ijmachtools.2021.103796
  • Verl, A., Valente, A., Melkote, S., Brecher, C., Ozturk, E., Tunc, L. (2019). Robots in Machining. Keynote paper, CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 68(2), 799-822. 1016/j.cirp.2019.05.009
  • Verl, A., Engel, T., Lechler, A. (2016). Sliding Bearing with adjustable Friction Properties. CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 65(1), 353-356. 1016/j.cirp.2016.04.084
  • Krüger, J., Wang, L., Verl, A., et al. (2017). Innovative control of assembly systems and lines. Keynote paper, CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 66(2), 707-730. 1016/j.cirp.2017.05.010
  • Verl, A., Frey, S., Heinze, T. (2014). Double nut ball screw with improved operating characteristics. CIRP Annals, 63(1), 361-364. 1016/j.cirp.2014.03.128
  • Fantoni, G., Verl, A., et al. (2014). Grasping devices and methods in automated production processes. Keynote paper, CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 63(2), 679-701. 1016/j.cirp.2014.05.006
  • Altintas, Y., Verl A., Brecher, C., Uriarte, L., Pritschow, G. (2011). Machine Tool Feed Drives. Keynote paper, CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 60(2), 779-796. 1016/j.cirp.2011.05.010
  • Verl, A., Frey, S. (2010). Correlation between feed velocity and preloading in ball screw drives. CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 59(1), 429-432. 1016/j.cirp.2010.03.136
  • Krüger, J., Lien, T. K., Verl, A. (2009). Cooperation of Human and Machines in Assembly Lines. Keynote paper, CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology, 58(2), 628-646. 1016/j.cirp.2009.09.009
  • Schmid, B., Möller, E., Putz, A., Wenzel, B., Weber, C. (2024). Die Seilnetzmodelle zur Olympiadachlandschaft in München. Letzte Zeugen der Modellstatik, 10.1002/stab.202400017
  • Schmid, B., Wenzel, B., Möller, E., Weber, C. (2024). Tool – Object – Fragment: The Afterlife of Physical Measurement Models. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, 46, 924-34. 10.1007/978-3-031-39450-8_75
  • Schmid, B., Weber, C. (2021). Das Messmodell für die Alster-Schwimmhalle Hamburg – ein interdisziplinäres Zusammenwirken Stuttgarter Bauingenieure auf dem Gebiet der Modellstatik. Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte, 5, 207-222. ISBN: 978-3-7319-1253-8, Link
  • Schmid, B., Weber, C. (2022). From physical to digital – the form-finding and measuring models of the Mannheim Multihalle. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge, UK, 485-495. ISBN: 9780992875183
  • Schmid, B., Wenzel, B., Möller, E., Weber, C. (2023). From Leonardo Da Vinci to Fritz Leonhardt – The Role of Physical Measurement Models in Bridge Engineering. Conference Proceedings of IABSE, Istanbul, Turkey, 928–935. 2749/istanbul.2023.0928
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